Google play store taking a long time to download
Google play store taking a long time to download

google play store taking a long time to download

I could install it on my android tablet with my same Google profile just not on my phone. Wifi is working fine, 3G connection works fine, plenty of storage on internal memory and SD card, tried pushing the install from the Google Play website and we can both install other apps just fine. Tried all the fixes people suggested on this forum and other places. It would download, stay 'installing' but then 'error 504'. I know I'm necro'n this thread but my wife and I both couldn't install from the Google Play store. I've waited a long time for this and it's very upsetting not to be able to get wrote: How can I get to that 3rd party link? My google play stays "installing" or " download pending" with an up to date Google play,plenty of storage, good connection.

Google play store taking a long time to download