This tutorial gives details about the Photoshop brushes ABR format and tools to use the ABR files such as Tumasoft and ABRMate and ABRViewer.

You can find on the web the file format spec for Photoshop brushes version 6 (just search google for the source location as this may change). Saving the ABR Photoshop format / file specification in Photoshop CC means the brushes cannot be read in the earlier Photoshop 6. The file format has also changed since to incorporate new features. Setup and Connect Add VNC Server to your remote devices and connect. Sign in/up Sign in or Create an account (and claim a free 14-day trial). The file format for the brushes changed with Photoshop 5 ABR to Photoshop 6 ABR. Download Download and install VNC Viewer on your desktop. The file format of brushes are a resource of 8BIM. You can find more details about the file formats used by Adobe and their specifications via their file format html file (link below).

The ABR Photoshop format can be accessed in a number of other tools such as ABRMate and Tumasoft preset viewer and ABRviewer as well as Affinity Photo and PSP and GIMP. The ABR format specification has been unchanged for a while but there has been some format changes so earlier ABR files cannot be read in other applications. The ABR format may contain one or more brushes for Photoshop (as well as Photoshop elements). ABR Photoshop brushes format and information about the ABR tools and specification.